Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Connecticut Eye Care

Getting Connecticut Eye Care

Although it seems that if there is someone in a family who works, then there is going to be medical, dental, and eye care that are provided through the work. But this is not always the case as not all employers offer health benefits at all or maybe the worker has to be employed for a certain number of months before they are allowed to be covered under their policy. Also, even those whose employer does offer coverage it may be so expensive that they just simply cannot afford it. And this is where connecticut eye care comes into the picture, as they are there to help.

Every state has programs that are either free or at a discounted rate if your income falls between their income guidelines and this includes connecticut eye care. The importance of having vision coverage is just as important as primary health coverage or dental coverage and the connecticut eye care plan understands that. There are different organization that are able and willing to help those who may not be low enough in income to get free coverage from the government but there is still connecticut eye care that is out there waiting to be taken advantage of and to put to good use.

Where To Find It

The first place to start when looking for connecticut eye care if you do not have coverage of your own is through your state's government offices which are called the welfare department or the human services department and if you do not fall within their guidelines of getting help, then they can often time refer you to places that can provide you and your family with connecticut eye care at affordable rates and maybe even for free if you meet their income guidelines.

Also, pay attention to the television commercials because these services are a lot of times advertised on the television. You can also start searching through your phone book or do an internet search for connecticut eye care and see what all you come up with. There is bound to be something close enough to you where you are that you can set up an appointment to speak with someone and to see what kind of connecticut eye care they can offer you. Eye care is just too important to not get and if it is not given to you through an employer or you can't afford what they have, do not let that stop you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Colorado diabetic eye care

Getting Colorado diabetic eye care At The Berkeley Vision Institute Is Recommended

The condition known as diabetic retinopathy is one in which having a diabetes condition causes the eyes to be adversely impacted due to deterioration in the blood vessels that supply blood to the retina. When the blood vessels deteriorate they may begin leaking fluids or blood and it may also result in the formation of brush-like branches which can damage or scar the person’s retina causing the image sent to the person’s brain to become blurred and which can best be treated through laser surgery technology which you can get done from a good Colorado diabetic eye care center.

In fact, diabetic retinopathy can also be treated by doctors who will need to remove the portion of the eye that has been filled by blood and reduce that by using clear artificial solutions that are even available at a number of Colorado diabetic eye care centers. For those who suffer from diabetes, getting their eyes checked regularly is certainly recommended and whenever there is change in vision, it should also be treated immediately.

One of the better Colorado diabetic eye care centers where you can be treated for diabetic retinopathy as well as many other eye problems is Buckley Vision Institute that is located in Colorado Springs & Pueblo, Colorado and in fact, it is the only Colorado diabetic eye care center in the state of Colorado where you can get advanced VISX wavefront diagnostic and also laser technology performed for all of your eye related problems.

Treating Diabetic Retinopathy

It would certainly be worth your while to visit Buckley Vision Institute for all of your Colorado diabetic eye care problems and with tens of thousands of satisfied customers to testify as to its efficacy, you would certainly benefit from trusting them with all of your eye care problems. In fact, at Buckley Vision Institute you are sure to get the very best in eye care in Colorado including Colorado diabetic eye care such as diabetic retinopathy and each patient here is given VIP treatment which is proof of the dedication of the staff at Buckley Vision Institute, and coupled with state-of-the-art facilities, you can be assured that all your diabetic related eye problems will be well taken care of.

Since diabetic retinopathy is the number one reason why people can become legally blind, its care should be given top priority and it should also be of the best standards and that is where you could benefit from visiting Buckley Vision Institute in Colorado Springs, where you can get periodic examinations performed, and where you can also get annual Colorado diabetic eye care at affordable costs.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Children's Eye Care

The Importance Of Children's Eye Care

While for many people the importance of children's eye care is extremely high and their children are regularly screened every year to make sure that their vision is on track and that there are no other problems sneaking up on them. Thinking about children's eye care is something that comes natural to most parents and overall there are more parents who take action then those who do not. But even if there are only a few parents here and there that neglect the importance of children's eye care, that is still too many.

It is important that parents and guardians of children of all ages understand that yearly checkups are a must and that if a problem in the eyes occur and is left untreated, it can be considered abuse or neglect on the part of the adult. This could mean social services getting involved and if the case is extremely severe, then it could even mean some jail time. So everyone must get on the same page and know that children's eye care is just as important as anything else in terms of a child's health and overall well being.

Those Without Insurance

Out of those who do not seek proper children's eye care, there are going to be some who really do care but feel there is nothing they can do because they do not have insurance and they do not have the money to pay for visits out of pocket. While this is an issue, as all children need coverage, this should not stop parents from seeking out every possible solution to the problem. There are state funded insurance problems for kids who have parents or guardians that meet poverty level income guidelines. The government is very keen on children's eye care and will help guide you in the right direction.

Also, there are those who have income that is higher then what the government will allow for help and yet, they are either not offered health insurance where they work or they simply cannot afford it. There is help there as well as there are many programs throughout the different states that offer affordable health insurance programs and this would include children's eye care. These plans will base how much you pay on a sliding scale and there are many families who even though they did not qualify for government health care, they still qualify for free coverage for their kids through these different programs. All in all, the health of children is very important so action must be taken and children's eye care needs to be attended to.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cherry Creek Eye Care

Looking At Cherry Creek Eye Care

There are lots of different ways that you can tell whether Cherry Creek Eye Care is for you or not. First of all, in order to be sure that Cherry Creek Eye Care is for you, you should be looking carefully at all that they have to offer you. You want to be sure that the staff at Cherry Creek Eye Care is something that you can trust, and also that there are payment plans at Cherry Creek Eye Care that are going to work for you.

What Do They Offer

The first thing that you have to think about when you are considering Cherry Creek Eye Care is whether or not they offer you all of the things that you need. Most of the time no matter what you need you are going to find it at Cherry Creek Eye Care. This should include things like check ups and other exams, as well as things like glasses and contacts and other eye ware things. All of these things should be found at Cherry Creek Eye Care, and if you can find them you will be able to get as much out of the Cherry Creek Eye Care as possible.


The next thing that you want to be sure of when you are looking at Cherry Creek Eye Care is if the staff makes you feel comfortable and if you trust that they are going to be taking good care of you. Most of the time, at Cherry Creek Eye Care you will find that the staff is caring and will make you feel like you are in good hands. You have to be sure that this is the kind of thing that you are finding so that you know you will be completely comfortable at Cherry Creek Eye Care. If you are working with a good staff you know that you will be able get more out of your eye care.

Payment Plans

The other thing that you want to be sure of when you are looking at Cherry Creek Eye Care is that they have payment plans that you can get behind. This is something that you want to be sure of because it can be the best thing that you can do. When it comes to your Cherry Creek Eye Care, you should be able to get the right kinds of payments for your needs as well. This is all very important for you to focus on with Cherry Creek Eye Care.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Center For Eye Care

Things To Do Before Selecting A Center For Eye Care

If you have an eye related problem and need to have surgery performed or need some other form of eye care, you need to look for the best and most reputable center for eye care to take care of your eye related problems. Because you would not trust surgery to just any doctor, similarly for best eye care you need to look beyond only the center for eye care that are advertised in the yellow pages of your phone book.

Treatment Should Be Safe As Well As Effective

A good center for eye care should also be able to treat your eye problems in a safe as well as effective manner and thus you need to consider things such as its quality, experience, dependability as well as professionalism before making your final selection. To locate a suitable center for eye care you may need to begin by checking out those that are located in your immediate vicinity because of the logistical convenience of it, and though this is a major factor, it is not the only one.

You can also ask others if they know of a good center for eye care so that you get a sense about the more reputable as well as popular centers for eye care, and once you have one or even a few of them short listed, you then need to make some enquiries, especially from previous patients who can relate to you about their experiences with various centers for eye care. Once you feel that a particular center for eye care is worth checking out, then you should go their personally to assess the level of organization, its standard of patient care such as pre as well as post-operative care, level of cleanliness as well as professionalism of its staff, and finally the financial costs involved.

However, before you entrust you eye care to a particular center for eye care, you need to also research the surgeons who are working at such centers, and who may be the ones that will be treating your eyes. The Internet throws up many new possibilities in being able to investigate the level of experience, education as well as reputation of various surgeons which will give you a good idea about their competence and suitability to provide you with proper eye care treatment.

You also need to fix an appointment with the prospective surgeon and meet with them in order to assess personally their standards and the systems that they will be using to treat your eyes. Once you have undertaken this much research, you should be in a good position to find a good center for eye care where you can be assured of getting a comfortable as well as successful resolution to your eye related problems.

Center For Excellence In Eye Care

What You Need To Know About The Center For Excellence In Eye Care

You can find this very humbly named eye care center in Miami, Florida. The Center For Excellence In Eye Care has fourteen vision specialists, so you don’t need to wait months for an appointment. They have various payment options, as well. Usually the payment options are you taking out a small loan and having to pay it back in monthly or bimonthly installments. Don't assume your health insurance will cover The Center For Excellence In Eye Care – find out for sure. The Center will help check for you if you are not sure.

Lasik Surgery

If you go to the Center For Excellence In Eye Care's web page, you might at first think all they do is Lasik eye surgery. This is considered a cosmetic procedure in order to make you see better without the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. Lasik is in such demand that you really can't blame The Center For Excellence In Eye Care for pushing this technique front and center.

Other Things They Do

Once you get past the Lasik surgery hype, you then are pleasantly surprised to discover that they do a lot more at The Center For Excellence In Eye Care. They have cutting edge surgical equipment and diagnostic machines for common visual problems such as glaucoma, cataracts, corneal disease, eye problems due to diabetes and macular degeneration.

One of the nice things about the Center is that not only can you get eye exams there, you can also get surgery there if needed. No more traveling from building to building in city to city. The Center has one of the most impressive line up of medical techno9logy, even for those of us who hope never to need it.

One of the surgical procedures that can be performed at the Center For Excellence In Eye Care is corneal transplants. This is one of those operations thought to be science fiction (or medical fiction) just a few decades ago. You usually need a corneal transplant if you have disease of the cornea, and sometimes for corneal damage (usually due to contact with dangerous chemicals). About 20,000 corneal transplants are performed annually – but not all at the Center.

Did you know that January is National Eye Care Month? Well, now you do. What better way to celebrate than by making an appointment for an eye check up. Many eye conditions can be treatable if they care detected early enough.

Beverly Hills Eye Care

What You Need To Know About Beverly Hills Eye Care

There are many reasons why people consider moving to Beverly Hills, California. There's the weather, the scenery, the close location to bustling southern California, and celebrity watching. But another reason some consider moving to Beverly Hills is because of the health care. Southern California has a very large population of medical specialists of all kind. Beverly Hills eye care, for example, has some of the latest and greatest vision care procedures.

So Much Care, Only Two Eyes…

Before you choose a Beverly Hills eye care specialist, think about what your eye care needs are. Do you have children? Does your family have a history of glaucoma? Do you need to wear glasses or contact lenses? Just how bad is your vision? When was the last time your eye had a check up? Do you have health insurance?

When you Google "Beverly Hills eye care" or crack open the Yellow Pages, you are confronted with a huge list of choices. By answering the questions above, you can help narrow the choice down to a reasonable amount of candidates. You also need to know how close the Beverly Hills eye care specialist is from your home. Many eye procedures will leave you unable to drive for a while. This might be an issue.

There are also other people you can ask for their advice. If you have trusted friends, family or business associates you use Beverly Hills eye care specialist, beg them for a recommendation. When you get a regular doctor sorted out in Beverly Hills, ask him or her for a recommendation, too. Worse comes to worse, call your health insurance and ask them which Beverly Hills eye care specialists will they cover.

To Clinic Or Not To Clinic?

There are clinics in the Beverly Hills area that are devoted to eye care, such as the aptly named Homosassa & Beverly Hills Eye Clinic. These clinics usually have eyeglass making facilities on the premises. No more running from the eye doctor to Lens Crafters and then home. Some places also offer Spanish speaking staff workers as well as an operating room.

Remember, there is no law that says that once you walk into an eye doctor's office, you HAVE to see only that eye doctor for the rest of your life. If you visit your eye doctor and are concerned about lack of professionalism by the staff, by unsanitary conditions, or by the doctor's personality, then you are better off going somewhere else. Fortunately, you won't have very far to look for choice.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Basic Eye Care

The Importance of Basic Eye Care

There are lots of things that are important in your life, but basic eye care is one of the most important of all of them. Without basic eye care, you will find that your eyes might deteriorate past the point of being able to be fixed. If you have basic eye care you will be able to get help for problems before they can become real problems. There are so many reasons that basic eye care is very important, and so you have to be sure that you are able to get the basic eye care as soon as you can.

Where To Find

No matter where you are, you should be able to find the basic eye care that you need. There are many different clinics that will give you basic eye care and there are also clinics that can be found in many department stores. With the basic eye care that you will get at these clinics you will be able to keep your eyes healthy. You will also be able to make sure that you have the right prescriptions so that you can see and also so that you will be able to keep your eyes as healthy as possible.

How To Pay

Part of the reason that a lot of people don’t' have basic eye care is that they don' t know how they will pay for it. This is one of the biggest problems when it comes to basic eye care because it can get quite expensive if you don't have the right types of insurance. However, there are many things that you can do. First of all, you should have the right insurance to pay for your basic eye care that should be included in your health insurance. If you do not have vision insurance in your health insurance, you should be able to find a family wide insurance plan that will cover your basic eye care. These are usually very affordable and you will be able to find them just about anywhere.

If you don't have insurance for your basic eye care and you can't get any, there are still options. There are several government programs that you can apply for that will help you pay for your care. You can also talk to the eye clinic about setting up payment plans that you can afford. These are all things that you can do, and they are all things that you will be able to do cheaply.

Austin Eye Care

You're In Luck If You Need Austin Eye Care

As a species, the sense that humans rely on most to get around in the world is vision. However, the eye is a very fallible instrument. You don't realize how reliant you are on your eyes until something is wrong with them. You need to find an eye doctor before you have problems with your eyes. Trying to find an eye doctor when you are in pain and can't see right is not the best time to go leafing through the Yellow Pages. If you live in Austin, eye care is practically everywhere.

Spoiled For Choice

In central Texas, there are many choices for those needing Austin area eye care. You are not stuck with just one doctor or clinic. Austin eye care included ophthalmologists (eye doctors), optometrists (who usually make glasses as well as being eye doctors) and eye surgeons. There are also doctors skilled in the latest Austin eye care breakthrough – Lasik eye surgery.

Austin Eye Clinic

When this writer was growing up, my parents had to hound my pediatrician and hunt through the Yellow Pages in order to find eye care for my problem eyes. But Austin eye care has a whole clinic devoted to eye care. When I was a child, eye doctors were one tiny office in a huge hospital complex. But they've got a whole building in Austin devoted to the complexities of this most complex sense organ.

The Austin Eye Clinic (catchy name, huh?) offers Lasik surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma treatments, surgery to correct astigmatism and just general eye exams. They also can make eyeglasses on the premises. They also can perform the extremely complex corneal transplant procedure, which can change lives.

Texan Eye

They say things are bigger and better in Texas, and for this writer with perpetually wonk vision, I can't argue with them. Not only does Austin eye care include the Austin Eye Clinic, but a chain of eye care specialists in the central Texan area. In the Austin area, this chain is called Texan Eye. They even have a toll free 1-800 number you can call. So far, there is only one Texan Eye in Austin.

You can get a full range of Austin eye care services for whatever your age or eye problem happens to be. They also do surgeries, including Lasik, and care for cataracts and glaucoma (which happen all too frequently). They take many forms of health insurance, but also offer a financing plan, especially for Lasik. Lasik surgery, as of this writing, is not usually offered by health insurance companies.

Advanced Eye Care

Learning About Advanced Eye Care

With so many things being talked about on the news and in the papers, it is no wonder that many more people are taking the time to sit back and think a little deeper into who they want being their doctors, their dentists, and the eye care professionals. It is no longer about which eye care specialist is closest or who is the cheapest but rather about who is the industries leading advanced eye care center. More and more people are trying to make sure that they are finding themselves in an advanced eye care center instead of your general run of the mill eye clinic.

It is felt that by going to an advanced eye care center, you are more in likely to receive the best care that the profession has to offer. Also, with being in an advanced eye care, it is more likely that they have the better and more up to date technology then other places which not only means that your visit will be a lot more pleasant but if there was any minor and major problems forming, the advanced eye care center would be a lot faster at catching it and being able to treat it. And everyone wants to be treated as quickly as possible.

Where To Find One

With all of the commercials and the billboards talking about the cheapest eye care clinics around, a person may feel a little lost when trying to find an advanced eye care center that is near them. But, with just a few quick searchers on the Internet, a person would soon see that there are a lot more advanced eye care centers then what they originally thought. Also, simply by contacting your insurance company and asking them where the closet advanced eye care is, you can not only find where they are but also make sure that they are covered by your insurance.

Then again, there are some people who are willing to pay one hundred percent of the bill out of pocket because their insurance company would not cover those particular centers for some reason. But that did not stop those people as they saw the importance of going to an advanced eye care center. Then, once the new year came around they quickly made changes to who their insurance provider is and they made sure that their new policy would help cover expenses for going to an advanced eye care center.

Access To Eye Care

Getting Access To Eye Care

With so many people having jobs, you would assume that all of them have access to eye care coverage but that is simply not the case. More and more people are going without eye care coverage because either their employer does not offer it or they really cannot afford it due to their current financial situation. But having access to eye care is extremely important so all steps should be taken in order to get yourself and your family access to eye care, no matter what.

It is so easy to overlook the importance of having access to eye care as many adults do not like going to see any sort of doctor, let alone someone who is going to mess with a very sensitive part of your body such as your eyes. But, in can never be stressed enough that it is important for everyone, both children and adults, to have access to eye care, as it is more about maintaining your currently healthy eyes more then anything. Do not wait until a problem happenings to your eyes or to your vision before you seek access to eye care. Because by that time, you could be denied coverage or end up with a lot of damage due to the waiting period.

Where To Seek Assistance

There are many government and state ran places such as the welfare department or human services. While the names of the organizations will vary from state to state, if you look in your local phone book and scroll through the government listings, you are sure to find a place that can help you find access to eye care. There are currently a lot of free medical help if your household income is in between certain preset guidelines. Of course, the bigger the family, the more money you are allowed to bring in and still qualify for their services.

If you find that no matter what, your income is above the limits set forth by the government for free access to eye care, there are a lot of vision plans that cater to those who need help but do not have a lot of money. By searching the Internet or talking to friends and family, you can find your way to these programs, which of course, vary from state to state. But if you are focused and determined, you will find access to eye care as long as you are truly putting your best effort into it.

Monday, February 4, 2008

How Do Contact Lenses Work

Do You Know How Do Contact Lenses Work?

There are millions of people across the globe, who wear contact lenses because they are much more convenient that wearing glasses. With so many contact lenses around you the question might pop in your mind about how do contact lenses work?

Demystifying The Use Of Contact Lenses

The contact lenses get fixed on the eye owing to the pressure exerted from the eyelids as well as the pull of the cornea in combination with tears produced by your eyes naturally. Every time you blink the contact lens would move up and down slightly allowing the tear to lubricate the lens from underneath, while expelling any debris found in the eye at the same time.

Now that you know how the lenses stick to the eye, we can go on and look up the answer to the question on how do contact lenses work. As you know the contact lenses are used for two main purposes – (1) for the correction of vision and (2) for changing the color of your eyes.

Changing the color of eyes is easy – all you need to do is wear a transparent or opaque contact lens of the color you wanted over your eyes and you instantly get different color eyes.

However, when it comes to the vision correction the answer on how do contact lenses work is a little more complex. The lenses are recommended for the same reason as the glasses, i.e. bad vision. This could be anything from presbyopia to farsightedness to nearsightedness, etc. In all these cases the light is not able to reach the retina of the eye correctly, hence the contacts (or glasses) are used to focus the light back on the retina.

There are different types of contact lenses for each of the different types of vision problems. This is why though the basic principle of how do contact lenses work is the same, even when the lenses are completely different from one another.

For example, if you suffer from myopia you would have lenses that are thick around the edges and tapering thin in the middle as this model brings the light in the perfect position on the retina. If you suffer from far sightedness on the other hand, the contact lenses would be just the opposite in order to correct the vision. In the case of astigmatism, your optometrist would give you unique measurements so your cornea would get a tailor-made lens to correct the eye-sight problem.

In short, the answer to how do contact lenses work is based on what imperfection your vision is suffering from. Each problem has different prescription, but the principle remains the same, i.e. the lenses are shaped in such a way that it would facilitate the light to fall correctly on the retina for crystal clear vision.

Yellow Contact Lenses

Have Fun With Yellow Contact Lenses

You must have heard about or even used many types of contact lenses. Some people use it to correct their eye sight instead of using glasses, others use them for improving the esthetic value of their face and yet others use the contacts for fun. Each category of contact lens is made differently, priced differently and used differently.

For example, those who suffer from vision disorders use contacts to correct their eye sight while at the same time avoiding the use of glasses which many feel is passé in terms of fashion and style. Color lenses with which you could change the color of your eyes are used by people who want to enhance their overall looks. Lastly, scary and unusual contacts are used by those who love to party and tend to make rules of their own.

The Beauty And Uses Of The Yellow Contact Lenses

The yellow color lenses falls technically speaking, into the second category of lenses, i.e. the color lenses. However, since the yellow color is indeed very peculiar and startling when used on eyes, by its use it goes into the third category, i.e. scary and unusual types of contacts. Who would like to have yellow eyes, you would think as you are reading these lines. Well, you would be surprised to know that the yellow contact lenses are among first five high-in-demand contacts. Maybe by the time you learn about all its properties, you would like to have a pair as well.

The yellow contact lenses can make you look like a feline or even wolf. They are scary to look at first, but with time they settle on you. In the meantime, you would learn to enjoy and anticipate the reaction in the people who look at you unsuspectingly. This can fill your day with fun. Besides, the yellow contact lenses come equipped with UV filers making the lenses glow in the dark. If nothing else, this is one great reason why you should own a pair of this type lenses.

People who play sports have taken a great fancy for these yellow contact lenses because they have light filtering tints which help them spot the ball easier. Tennis players in particular have a enjoy using these contacts.

How To Buy Yellow Contact Lenses

There is nothing special involved in buying these lenses. You could get a prescription from your optometrist whereby you could buy the contacts from any legitimate retail shop according to the prescription or you could order them online – whatever you find more convenient.

Tinted Contacts

All About Tinted Contacts

There are so many people who are wearing contact lenses that is has become almost impossible to know who has them and who does not unless you look really close. The reason is because when someone comes to the point where they are in need of a little help with their vision, they most often turn directly to contact instead of glasses so you would never know if someday they all the sudden started wearing contact lenses unless they told you. Even though they are probably wearing tinted contacts, the reason for the tint is not for color change and it cannot be seen when it is being worn.

Tinted contacts are tinted for the sole purpose of being able to see them better when trying to pull them out of their case in order to put then in. If they were completely clear, the person wearing them would have a hard time finding them in a case and would basically have to fish around for them. Tinted contacts have also come in handy when someone drops their contact on the floor as it makes it so much easier to locate the contact lenses because of the slight color added to them.

To Change Eye Color

If you are interested in really changing your eye color whether it involves just enhancing the eye color you already have or by completely changing it, you will not achieve this by purchasing tinted contacts. That is because the amount of tint in regular tinted contacts is just enough to see the contact but not enough to change any eye color. Once the tinted contacts are placed into the eye, you will not be able to tell that there was ever any color difference on the contacts as it all blends in together with your natural eye color.

If you are truly interested in dramatically changing your eye color, you can talk with your eye care specialist about the different options that are available for you to pick from. There are a huge range of colors and hues to pick from and those will have more then just a light tint on them. Unlike the regular tinted contacts, these colored contacts will be a bold color so that is changes the eye color instead of blending in with it. So what you want to get is completely up to you just as long as you speak with a professional first and make sure that you buy your contacts from a safe place.

Theatrical Contact Lenses

Theatrical Contact Lenses Can Set The Scene

Makeup has been used in the theater for many years, and many talented artists can change a young person into an elderly one. These people can make someone look dead or at least very ill. Recently, a new dimension has been added to the skills and tools of brilliant makeup artists. Theatrical contact lenses have provided tools that can make an actor look like a real monster or a wild eyed drunk. These contact lenses are used by the makeup artists working in theaters and on movie sets, but these theatrical contact lenses are often used just for fun when people have some type of costume party.

Theatrical contact lenses are available on the internet and at specialty stores. Buyers do not need to be a regular user of contact lenses although people who use contact lenses on a regular basis will have skills for inserting these theatrical contact lenses from their previous experience. There are contact lenses that many people use to enhance the color of their eyes or to change the color completely. Before these contact lenses were available, the makeup artists would have to use different techniques if it were important for a character to have eyes different from their natural color.

Theatrical Contact Lenses Aid Performers

Theatrical contact lenses come in different types including those that cover the entire part of the eye that is visible. Some of the theatrical contact lenses are great for making an actor appear to be a drunk. These contact lenses make the eyes look bloodshot, and these are very convincing. If you met a person on the street wearing these theatrical contact lenses, you would believe that they were a drunk or that they had a very serious illness. Other theatrical contact lenses will make the eyes look as if the actor is affected by some other type of illness such as hepatitis.

Theatrical contact lenses can make an actor appear to be some kind of monster such as a vampire. There are lenses that can make an actor appear to be a troll. Some of these lenses can make the actor appear to be dead with open eyes. There are lenses available that will make the eyes appear to be totally white. Other lenses can make the eyes appear to have spots on them. There are some specialty lenses that can make put the shape of a soccer ball or other symbol into the eye. The theatrical contact lenses are usually made only for work on a special project, and these lenses are not available with a corrective prescription for those who need one.

Special Effects Contact Lenses

Every Day is Halloween: Special Effects Contact Lenses

Once upon time this writer had a cool sense of style. I remember wearing fake eyelashes, black combat boots, gothic dresses, and flowers in my hair…Pretty cool for 1992. These days, those with a unique sense of style have more options than ever to increase their cool factor. One of these options is special effects contact lenses. In 1992, eyeglasses were the only option and contacts were just coming into their own as a more attractive method of vision correction. Fast forward 16 years and contact lenses are no longer just for vision correction, but now serve as cosmetic vision enhancements.

Special effects contact lenses have been used in Hollywood films for decades. Movie monster werewolves, vampires, and the like depend on their wild costume eyes to incite fear in the audience. The public can now obtain "wolf eyes" and "vampire eyes" for themselves…and wear them to the office if they are so inclined.

There are as many styles of special effects contact lenses as there are wearers. Some of the most popular styles are: glow in the dark eyes, fire eyes, hemorrhage eyes, cat's eyes, and reptile eyes. Glow in the dark eyes do just that- but don't allow wearers to actually see in the dark. Fire eyes make the eye appear to be filled with flames. Hemorrhage eyes make the eye appear filled with broken blood vessels (my registered nurse mother would have a hemorrhage if she caught me in a pair), and cat's and reptile eyes give eyes the appearance of said creatures. Special effects contact lenses can be worn for Halloween, for theatrical purposes, or as mentioned above-just because they look cool.

Buying Special Effects Contact Lenses Online

There are several reputable online sites where special effects contact lenses can be purchased. It is important to note that buyers will need a prescription from their eye doctor whether the lenses are for vision correction or not. Lenses need to be properly fitted to the eye so as not to cause any vision loss or damage. It is also important to note that there are many non-reputable sites that sell cosmetic lenses. Flea markets and specialty stores also may sell these lenses but buyers beware. Special effects lenses may contain toxic paint that can irritate the eye. Use caution and good judgment when purchasing and only wear special effects lenses for a few hours at a time so as not to damage the eye. Two good online sites to buy special effects contact lenses are: and

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft Contact Lenses Provide A Clear View

Some children have poor eyesight and they have to wear glasses at a very young age, but most people do not need to wear glasses until they are forty years old. At that time, people start to have trouble reading without corrective lenses. Glasses are very good, and most people have no trouble once they get a proper pair of glasses with an appropriate prescription. Other people are annoyed with glasses. They seem to forget them at times when they need to read a menu or check something in the phone book. Many of these people do not like the feel of the glasses resting on their nose and ears. Soft contact lenses offer a great alternative to wearing glasses for individuals.

Soft contact lenses are one of two types of contact lenses that people can use to correct their vision so they do not have to wear glasses. These soft contact lenses are small and fit over the eye. Once these contact lenses are inserted properly, the individual can see just as well as other people with perfect vision. The soft contact lenses are constantly improved by the experts who work for the manufacturers. These contact lenses are easier to handle when inserting them, and these soft contact lenses are also more comfortable than ever before.

Soft Contact Lenses Provide For Perfect Vision

People who decide to try soft contact lenses have some great options that come with these wonderful tools. Some contact lenses are now designed so people can put them in once a month and sleep with them. Many eye doctors often recommend that people take them out more often for cleaning, but there are some people who leave their soft contact lenses in for an extended period of time. Proteins and lipids can build up on soft contact lenses, and people should carefully follow the directions for each type of lense.

Although there are soft contact lenses that can be worn for up to thirty days, some people choose from the other options. On the other end of the spectrum, there are soft contact lenses that are worn for only one day, and then these are thrown away. Other contact lenses are designed to be worn during the day and cleaned every evening for thirty days. Some brands are designed to be worn for a period of one week, but some of these can be left in the eyes for the entirety of that week.

Silver Contact Lenses

Silver Contact Lenses Have Futuristic Appeal

Stunning visual impact is available with many different style and colors of contact lenses, typically worn for theatrical effect. Whether for public appearances, participation in stage or screen shows or just for fun, silver contact lenses can provide a futuristic appearance to any costume. Depending on the manufacturer, these contacts as well as others featuring colors and special designs are made for cosmetic purposes only, and few are designed to help correct any vision loss.

Along with the silver contact lenses, companies make these cosmetic devices for people in plays, movies and television shows as a way of helping the character better fit the part to which they are assigned. Futuristic programs often depict characters with unusual eye color or with shapes on their eyes and silver contact lenses most often used to provide a robotic quality to characters. They can also be used to provide the effect that a person has a blank stare.

While showing up as possibly blocking all vision, silver contact lenses do not detract from the wearer's ability to see in the least. The only problem would be is if the person wears corrective lenses as the cosmetic silver contact lenses do not offer any corrective advantages. Similarly, red contacts or ones with designs on the outside of the lens have made their way into the eyes of folks just wanting to offer an element of surprise.

Lenses Offer Means Of Making Visual Impact

There are some cultures that use silver contact lenses to make an impact on their appearance and are not involved in the entertainment industry. In addition to changing their eye color, they will also dress in the manner of which they are trying to portray. In most instances, the use of silver contact lenses is just to complete their costume.

Halloween is another time of year that people may opt for silver contact lenses or those of other colors, but before buying any type of contact lenses online or through mail order sources, it is always advised to check with the eye doctor to insure the individual can wear contact lenses. Those who do not normally wear contacts may have some trouble getting used to having them in their eyes.

The theatrical effects of wearing silver contact lenses can be surprising to not only friends, family and strangers, but they may also be a surprise to the wearer the first time they have them in and glance in a mirror.

Red Contact Lenses

See No Evil: Popular Red Contact Lenses

What better way to impress your friends on Halloween, at a weekend party, or at the office than to wear special effects red contact lenses? Contact lenses have a long, illustrious history dating back to Leonardo da Vinci in the 1500s. Today, not only are contacts popular for vision correction but also for vision enhancement. It is possible to change your look significantly with colored and special effects contact lenses. This article focuses on various types of red contact lenses.

Some names of popular red contact lenses are: "Vampire Red," which is a basic red contact available for $34.50, "Red Devil," which are higher quality and $150 a pair, and "Red Sclera," which makes the entire white of the eye as well as the iris appear red and costs $147.50 a pair. Less frightening red contacts include; "The Ladybug" which is red with black polka dots, "Red Valkyre," which has a long, oval pupil, and "Demon," which is red with black lightening throughout the corneal area.

Costume Ideas and Tips for Red Contact Lenses

The vampire is one of the most popular costumes that can include red contact lenses. For fans of specific vampire movies, there are also specific contact lenses made such as the "Lost Boys" model which is a sinister yellow with a black pupil. There are several "Hemorrhage" contact lenses that make the eye appear to have broken red blood vessels. This could be part of a head trauma costume. Red contact lenses could be used to portray Hannibal Lector, a character described as having maroon eyes. There are also contacts that make the eye appear filled with red and yellow flames. These could be used as part of many demonic costumes.

It is important to note that any cosmetic, special effects, or theatrical contact lenses should be bought from an eye doctor or a reputable website just like regular contacts. Contact lenses sold at flea markets or by online auction may not be safe and could contain toxic paint that can damage the eye and even cause blindness. Always see an eye doctor for a prescription and fitting before buying any type of contact lenses. Some good sites to buy cosmetic lenses from include and

Additional tips for contact lens wearers: only wear cosmetic contacts for a few hours at a time, do not share contacts with friends as this can lead to eye infections, clean and maintain contacts per their instructions, and do not sleep in cosmetic contacts.

Order Contacts Without A Prescription

When You Can Order Contacts Without A Prescription

Contact lenses, whether they are for eye color or correction of vision, are very common nowadays. Once upon a time their prohibitive cost had heir use limited only to the rich or Hollywood stars; today with the help of technology the prices have become affordable enough for regular people to be able to have one for every day of the week.

How Do You Order Contacts Without A Prescription?

You can order contacts without a prescription; however the only retailers that would entertain your request would be those who operate illegally. This means that the lenses you would be getting might or might not be qualitative. Can you take a chance on the health of your eyes? It is rather advisable to have your eyes checked in case you do not have (read lost) your prescription and use the new prescription for the purchase of your contacts.

When you buy color lenses you could order contacts without a prescription, because no prescription is needed for this purpose. Anybody can buy any type of color lenses over the counter with absolutely no problem. There are in fact many short-duration-use color contact lenses which are associated with horror parties, Halloween and the like, where you could order contacts without a prescription.

These color lenses are normally used for a few hours wear at a time, such as at parties to create a ghoulish look. These lenses are not meant for long term use. Similar to this type of contacts are the special effects contact lenses which can give you the weirdest looks ever. Some of the most popular scary contact lenses which you could definitely order contacts without a prescription, are as briefed hereunder:

Bloody eyes – this is a type of scary contact lenses which give the impression that your eyes would at any moment start dripping blood. However, nothing would ever come out as the effect is created only by the positioning of the contact lenses.

Animal type eyes such as reptile, cat, wolf, snake are also very much in vogue today. Most teenagers use such contacts to scare one another in the school, and sometimes even play a trick or two on their teachers or parents as well.

Spiral black or red contact lenses are one more crazy type of lenses which can transform your eyes into two horrible spirals. The overall effect is so horrible that nobody can dare to look you into the eyes as long as you wear such contact lenses.

Besides these, you also get a number of designer cosmetic eyes which are meant to give special effects to your eyes and enhance any outfit you wear.

Order Contact Lenses

How Best To Order Contact Lenses Online

There are millions of people all over the world who wear contacts instead of glasses for various reasons. A good number of these order contact lenses online because it saves time and this process offers greater choice of brands, color and quality.

Guidelines You Should Observe When You Order Contact Lenses Online

When you buy your contacts over the Internet you enjoy a lot of benefits among which the cost and variety are the most quotable. Make the experience of online shopping a pleasant one with the following guidelines.

Ensure that your order is correct by using the latest prescription because it would be very cumbersome to find that you were sent the wrong type of lenses. Another point is that most of the legitimate retailers would ask for your prescription before accepting your order. If your prescription is a little old, do check what the doctor has written on it regarding the next check up due. If that date has expired, check your eyes again before placing your order.

When you order contact lenses online one of the greatest benefits you would get is the price range. You can compare prices among the multitude of websites that offer you the contact lenses you are prescribed and have these delivered at your door step without any additional cost. There are promotion offer, discounts, coupons and sales on the Internet that could further cut into the cost of the lenses you need to order.

Most websites would have you (their client) fill in a specific order format when you buy the contact lenses online. Ensure that you order contact lenses correctly by filling this format with utmost care so there would be no typographical or data mistake when you press the 'submit' button. Things you need to be very careful about are information about your prescription and total amount due. A mistake in either of these would sabotage your order gtreatly.

Order contact lenses only from legitimate sellers because the quality would otherwise suffer and so would your eyes. When it comes to the eyes, there should be no compromise at all. Do not be tempted to buy unbranded lenses because these in the long run would completely deteriorate your eyesight.

As you can see you could indeed order your contacts online and get not only some great prices, but also the widest range of brands and variety at the press of a button. A word of caution – never be tempted to buy cheap and inferior contact lenses as these could damage your beautiful eyes for ever.

Opaque Contact Lenses

Why Opaque Contact Lenses Are So Popular Today

Fashion and style is something that is always high on the priority lists of all young people. Once upon a time it was the clothes, and then followed the accessories; today it is colored lenses. The color lenses have catapulted to number one on the agenda of the younger generation because of two main reasons – (1) there is a lot of fun in using the color lenses whether it is for a formal occasion or party, and (2) they are very affordable.

An Introduction To Opaque Contact Lenses

There are many types of lenses such as soft lenses, hard lenses, theater lenses, scary lenses, transparent lenses and opaque lenses among many others. Each one of these lenses has their own plus and minus points. The role of these lenses, generally speaking is to enhance or change the color of your eyes when you wear them.

The opaque contact lenses made their entrance later than most of other lenses as a result of a malfunction of the transparent lenses. Normally, when you wanted to change or enhance your eye color you would have bought and used a special type of transparent contacts which were designed in such a way that once worn it would reflect the color you wanted in your eyes.

In this way, coloring light colored eyes was easy. However, when it came to dark color eyes to be changed to light colors, the results were not as good as the transparent contacts were not able to fight the effect of the dark color irises. As a result you never got the intended color. The color did change, but either it was very little or it gave a totally different (sometimes odd) shade.

The opaque contact lenses came into existence to redress this anomaly. In this case, the transparent contacts were replaced with the opaque contact lenses which now completely covered the dark iris to allow the correct color to show. The problem was solved and the popularity of opaque contact lenses soared.

Other Applications Of Opaque Contact Lenses

The story does not end here. The property of the opaque contacts to completely mask the color of the eye inspired designers to create many more types of fancy contacts, i.e. with spirals, zigzag, bright yellow color, cat's eyes, wolves eyes, blood shot eyes, totally red or black eyes, etc. The possibilities are endless here and these color lenses became a total craze among teenagers and young people in general.

These contact lenses were first used exclusively at Halloween parties as some of them really look scary. Nowadays, you will find them at theme parties and generally whenever the younger generation plan on having some fun.

Novelty Contact Lenses

Why Would You Want Novelty Contact Lenses?

Have you seen those novelty contact lenses that feature cat eyes, mirrored images, opaque blackness, or even just plain white? Why would you want those? Who would find use for them? Well, actually, there is a high demand for novelty contact lenses. Some people use them for their professions, such as musicians and rock stars. Some people want novelty contact lenses for Halloween costumes and some want them just because they dress a certain way as part of their lifestyle.

Musicians And Rock Stars

You'll see musicians and rock stars using novelty lenses all the time. You especially see it with punk rock and heavy metal stars. One example of a star that uses novelty contact lenses is Marilyn Manson. He often uses pure white novelty contact lenses to make it look like his eyes are zombie like. It gives an eerie effect that goes along with his act. However, you don't have to know how to play an instrument or be a rock star to use novelty contact lenses.

Halloween Costumes

This Halloween, make your costume extra scary by using novelty contact lenses. They make all types of novelty contact lenses especially for Halloween. No matter what costume you wish to dress in, you should be able to find novelty contact lenses to go along with it. They are sold at most novelty shops or you can get them online. Sometimes, however, people want to wear them even if it's not Halloween time. They want to wear them because it's part of their dress and part of their lifestyle.

Goth And Emo

You may have heard the terms goth and emo. It describes a darker style of dress that is popular with teenagers nowadays. Many of these teens wish to wear novelty contact lenses because it goes along with their dark style of dress. These types of teenagers like to stand out and be different and wearing novelty lenses is definitely a way to go about doing that.

There are many other uses of novelty contact lenses other than the ones mentioned here. If you want to get a pair of novelty lenses or you're just curious about what kind of selection they have, stop into a novelty store or log online and peruse the selection they have. So whether you're a musician or rock star, you are dressing up for Halloween, or you're goth or emo, or maybe you just want to dress a little differently, get some novelty lenses and make a statement like no other.

Non-Prescription Colored Contact

Non-Prescription Colored Contact Lenses Make Stunning Changes

There are blue eyed people who wish they had brown eyes sometimes, and on the other hand, there are brown eyed people who would like to have blue eyes. With non-prescription contact lenses, people can change the color of their eyes or enhance the natural color of their eyes. Many people wear prescription contact lenses so they can see better. These people often buy colored contact lenses that meet the needs of their prescriptions. Some of these people completely change the color of their eyes, and they see better at the same time. For those people who would like to change their eyes, but do not need a prescription, there are some great products available on the market.

There are several non-prescription colored contact lenses on the market, and people should investigate all of the options to get the best for their needs. The manufacturers that make contact lenses for those who need some help seeing also make the non-prescription colored contact lenses so these are designed with safety in mind. No one wants to ruin their eyes just to change the color so when choosing non-prescription colored contact lenses, it is a good idea to buy the brands that are most popular with those who wear contact lenses on a daily basis.

Non-Prescription Colored Contact Lenses Enhance The Eyes

Contact lenses can be dangerous if they are not worn and cleaned according to the directions of the manufacturers. These companies employ experts who make sure that non-prescription colored contact lenses meet the same stiff standards for their prescription contact lenses. Although there are many different types of non-prescription colored contact lenses available, all of these contact lenses are not excellent quality. The name brands will have many safety features, and these manufacturers will provide guidance in the directions for wearing and cleaning the contact lenses.

Non-prescription colored contact lenses of good quality will feel better in the course of a day. No one wants to have to change their eye color instantaneously in the middle of a meeting, and the name brands should be comfortable even during the course of a hectic day. There are non-prescription lenses that will enhance the natural color of the eyes. Those people with blue eyes can make their eyes a very distinctive blue. People with dark eyes will usually choose non-prescription colored contact lenses to change the color completely. People interested in these contact lenses will have to order them through an eye doctor even though these lenses do not require a prescription.

Natural Looking Color Contacts

How To Get The Best Natural Looking Color Contacts

Whatever your reason is for wanting to jump into the world of colored contacts, it is important to make sure that you are getting natural looking color contacts in order to give you the very best look possible. When you head out to your next eye care appointment, make sure that you are talking with your doctor about your desire to get some natural looking color contacts if you are actually needing them as a prescription. Natural looking color contacts can give you the right look that you have been trying to achieve for a long time.

You do not always have to make drastic changes to your appearance in order to make a difference. Often times, it is by adding things such as natural looking color contacts that will make all the difference. You will be surprised by the amount of people who will notice a big change in you and really like it but because the change you actually made was so small, they may not even be able to recognize what it is exactly that you did. Sometimes it is the littlest of changes that make the biggest changes in people and that is all that is really needed.

Where To Purchase Them

For natural looking color contacts that are in prescription form, it is best to contact your local eye care specialist in order to get what is best for you and your personal and individual vision needs. Once you are given an up to date eye examination, you can sometimes take that prescription and get your natural looking color contacts elsewhere as sometimes they may be online sites that can offer you the same contacts for a fraction on the price.

If you are looking at getting natural looking color contacts that are not in prescription form, you may still be able to find them in an eye care center. If not, there are hundreds of sites on the Internet that can offer you great prices for what you are looking for. Just make sure that any online site that you make your purchase from is up to par as far as being legit and offering clean and well packaged items for your money. And never purchase your natural looking color contacts from places where you cannot verify who or where they are coming from. So all in all, if you take the time to look hard enough, you can find that little something that will make you have a whole new look and it will not be too expensive either.

Mirrored Contact Lenses

Mirrored Contact Lenses For Halloween

Imagine wearing contact lenses that when people look at you they find themselves looking right back at themselves. That's right, you can now buy mirrored contact lenses. Mirrored contact lenses have the same effect as those mirrored sunglasses have except they fit right onto your eye. These are great for Halloween. If you wear mirrored contact lenses with your Halloween costume, you're sure to win any costume contest you enter. Talk to your eye doctor about acquiring mirrored contact lenses. Or, you can search for them online. You can get them whether you need contacts for vision correction or not. Actually, it's much easier to get them if you don't need vision correction because you won't need a prescription to buy them. They are then just called novelty lenses.

No Prescription Necessary

If you don't need contacts in order to see clearly and you just want mirrored contact lenses as part of your Halloween costume, you should be able to buy them no problem. You simply find a website or novelty shop that sells them and pick them up. It's that easy. Since they're contact lenses, they should be one size fits all. If you find that they don't fit, you may be able to have them custom made but that will set you back a little more money. If you do need contacts for vision correction, that's a different story altogether. That's when you need to see an actual doctor.

Vision Correction

If you do need contacts for vision correction, you may need to speak to your eye doctor about where to acquire mirrored contact lenses. You can't just buy mirrored contact lenses at a novelty shop or online if they are vision correction lenses. That's because you need a prescription from an actual doctor. Your eye doctor should be able to help you out with this. As mirrored contact lenses become more popular, there is more of a demand for that sort of thing; especially around Halloween time.

Become the Life of The Party

When you walk into the Halloween party with mirrored contact lenses, they create such a striking effect that everyone will want to know where you got them. It will look as though you shouldn't be able to see but they are in fact clear from your end. You wear them just like normal contacts except they have a complete mirror image. So this Halloween, scare your friends and create the ultimate costume with mirrored contact lenses.

Mirror Tinted Contact Lenses

The Best Among Fancy Contacts – The Mirror Tinted Contact Lenses

Have you ever seen one way glass where one side looks like mirror? This formula has been applied very successfully to glasses in the past, and now the technology has moved on to contacts. You might think that such lenses may not have many takers because they would look very distracting. However, it turns out that these lenses are among the most popular among the whole range of fancy contacts.

What Are The Use Of The Mirror Tinted Contact Lenses?

The mirror tinted contact lenses are first of all used for fun. Their use started with Halloween parties, music concerts and other such places where you need to look a little unusual to make your presence felt. The mirror tinted contact lenses have been created after long research and many trial and error methods. Fortunately the end product is not only perfectly safe but also very popular among party goers.

These lenses cannot be used for correcting vision and hence they fall into a category of lenses called plano disposable lenses.
Other Specialized Applications Of Mirror Tinted Contact Lenses

You will be surprised – albeit pleasantly – that mirror tinted contact lenses could be used similar to sun glasses as they cover the eyes just sufficiently to protect it from the direct sun rays. This means that you need to not wear sun glasses anymore – or that you could manage going out in the sun if you forgot to carry your glasses on any particular day. The best part is that these lenses come with a technology similar to photoscenic lenses, i.e. they can adjust their color according to the intensity of the light they are exposed to and loose the color (become lighter) in darker surroundings

This is not all. The mirror tinted contact lenses would also be able to recognize and enhance a particular color increasing the visibility of the wearer for that particular object. For example, let us say you are playing tennis where the ball is a peculiar green color. These lenses would catch that the central object of your attention is the greenish ball and enhance this color making it sharper and easier to locate.

The enhancement would be three dimensional – color, depth and speed – so you could see and react to it better than if you watched it with your naked eyes. This is a great boon for all sports players in games where they have to follow a ball or similar object.

Medicated Contact Lenses

Understanding Medicated Contact Lenses

There is a lot about medication to the eye that seems to make people cringe with fear and it is generally about how the eye medication is applied. Although some people have a problem with fear of possible burning or irritation that would come from the medications, the likelihood of that actually occurring is very slim. But the reason that most people fear having to go through eye medication treatments is because they do not like the little bottle of dropper coming near their eyes as they feel like they are going to be poked out.

But a lot of these people already wear contacts and they have no problem with sticking their fingers into their eyes to put the contacts in and to take them out. So, there are many companies who have decided that medicated contact lenses may be the way to go. This may help make sure that people do not just skip out on their eye medication or stop taking it too soon, which can cause problems depending on what was being treated through the use of the medication. The idea behind the medicated contact lenses is that you place the medication on the contact lenses and then you place the contact lenses in your eyes.

Side Effects

There is still the risk of a few side effects from placing the medicated contact lenses in your eyes but no one really knows for sure what exactly the problems could be as most people who have tried it and it worked out fine for them. If you are one of the people who are afraid to use eyedroppers and you know that with droppers, you really will not get the correct amount of medication, speak with your eye care specialist about medicated contact lenses.

He or she will be able to talk in depth with you about the pros and cons of it and will also be able to address any fears or concerns you have with droppers or the medicated contact lenses themselves. There is a lot to gain by taking up on what science has to offer and without trying something new, you may be missing out on a lot of good stuff, including getting the right amount of medication to your eye. Your eyes are important so you should speak with your doctor about the use of medicated contact lenses in order to make sure that they are given every chance possible to make the best outcome possible.

How to Remove Contact Lenses

How to Remove Contact Lenses – The Painless Technique

Contact lenses are great inventions that are steadily replacing glasses because of their exceptional convenience and esthetic value. The contacts are normally attached on the cornea of the eye and their use is completely harmless and painless. On the contrary, using contacts can make your life much easier, i.e. in sports, dancing, or when you are too conscious of how you look wearing glasses.

Learning How to Remove Contact Lenses Correctly

There are three major types of lenses depending upon their use, cost and quality: soft lenses which are made of very soft plastic, the hard contact lenses which are also known as GP or rigid Gas Permeable and lastly there are the semi-hard lenses. Before you learn how to remove contact lenses you need to learn how to put them on first.

Wash your hands with soap and then running water for a long time. It is important that your hands should be clean before you touch the lenses because the slightest impurity stuck on it can cause massive irritation or infection in the eye. Now, open your eyes wide and look at one or other side while slightly pushing in the lens with the concave part on the inside into the eye. As soon as it gets stuck to the eye, close you eyes and keep them closed for a little while to allow the tears if any, to run down. Be careful, sometimes your lenses could get washed out along with the tears.

At the end of the day before you go to sleep you should remove the lenses, clean them and store them in their little boxes dipped in the recommended solution. This would keep them soft and pliable for the next day's use.

It is easy to learn how to remove contact lenses provided you are patient and you practice the move for a couple of times. What you need to do is look down and open your eyes wide. With impeccably clean hands you grab very gently the contact lens from the eye (use your thumb ad forefinger) and pull. If everything is okay the lens would come into your hand without any problem.

How To Remove Contact Lenses When The Lens Is Stuck To The Eye

There is a simple technique on how to remove contact lenses when they are stuck to the eyes. Sit down in a very comfortable chair with your head thrown back. Take the recommended eye drops and add a few drops to the eyes, say about 3-5 should be just about sufficient. Close your eyes and allow the liquid swirl behind the closed eye lids. As the eye drop would permeate the eye lens, you could easily remove it through the steps described a little earlier.

Hazel Contacts

What Color Eyes Do Hazel Contacts Suit Best?

Color contact lenses are the in thing today and the choice of millions of people who want to have their eye color changed for various reasons. There are many colors to choose from, dark brown, steel grey, sky blue, grey, sea green, hazel color and many others. The cost of these color contacts being very affordable, allows people to use it for esthetic reasons such as matching to the clothes, hair color, party, etc.

Why Hazel Contacts Does Not Suit All Types Of Eyes?

There are plenty of colors to choose from ranging from a vast palette of colors that work to enhance your personal beauty, to the horror based colors aimed for fun and parties. The technology is such that today you can get any color contacts you want at highly affordable prices. The problem with finding the right color for you is not the availability of lenses but matching the color to your eyes and complexion.

There are many people who would love to use hazel contacts but are disappointed with the end results. The reason for this is not the quality of the hazel contacts but the color of the eyes of the wearer. If your eyes are dark brown to black, then the regular hazel contacts would not make much difference to your eyes. If it does change your eye color it would be either greenish or bluish, which is a far cry from the hazel color you wanted.

Why Hazel Contacts Are So Ineffective?

It is not only hazel contacts that are ineffective, but all other semi opaque and transparent lenses too. For example, dark eyes do not have problems with only the hazel color but with all the light colors as well, such as light blue, light green, light yellow and so on.

In order to change the color of dark eyes you need to use opaque lenses which completely mask the color of the iris to give you the wanted results – in this case the hazel color. This is the only choice of lenses you would have if you want to have the perfect hazel color eyes.

In case you have any other color eyes (other than dark color) you would have broader choice of lenses such as semi-transparent, transparent and so on. The reason for this discrimination is that the transparent and semi-transparent contacts are unable to mask the dark color of the eye. At the best it combines with it to give a slightly different color.

Hard Contact Lenses

How To Clean And Maintain Hard Contact Lenses

There are many types of lenses available in the market today, the classification of which depends upon their make (soft, hard), use (fancy, corrective), looks (transparent, opaque) and even styles.

The most popular among the lenses are the soft lenses because they are extremely convenient to use and easy to maintain and clean. The hard contact lenses which are also called GP (in short from Rigid Gas Permeable) are stiff because they contain very limited amounts of water and therefore require more care when cleaning in order to make sure damage does not occur.

The Benefits of Using Hard Contact Lenses

Hard contact lenses are normally more resistant to wear and tear and last much longer than soft contact lenses. These could be worn for about 5-10 years if you take the trouble to maintain them well. At the same time, these lenses are more porous and hence allow more oxygen to reach your eyes. This is important if you suffer from dry eyes as it increases the comfort level for the wearer.

The Best Maintenance Routine For Hard Contact Lenses

Before handling any type of contact lens, ensure that your hands are thoroughly clean. Wash your hands with soap after which let plenty of water run over your hands to wash away the smell of the soap. Never use a fragrant soap when you handle your contacts. The best would be to use a fragrance-less anti bacterial soap.

Remove the hard contact lenses from your eyes and place them carefully in the center of your palm. Apply on each of the lenses about 3-5 drops of the contact lens cleaner recommended for your type of lenses and shake the lens gingerly to rinse in the same manner you would rinse a vessel. Take utmost care that you are not too rough about it or the lens would tear.

The washing could go on for about 20-30 seconds after which you have to rinse it with ordinary lukewarm tap water. Ensure that there is no residue or dirt left on your lenses before you place the hard contact lenses in their special case. The next step would be to take the recommended conditioning solution and pour it gently above the cleaned hard contact lenses until it is completely submerged. Your cleaning process has been successfully completed.

Remember you have to do this every day when you remove the lenses at night so they would be clean and ready for use in the morning. Do no neglect cleaning the lenses as the slightest debris could cause you unimaginable pain and possible infection of the eyes.

Halloween Contact Lenses

Really Frighten Your Friends With Halloween Contact Lenses

It's Halloween time and you want to dress really scary. You have your costume, your face paint and you think your costume is complete, right? Wrong. You can dress even scarier if you have Halloween contact lenses. Halloween contact lenses allow you to dress your eyes in various ways. They have cat eyes, mirrored contact lenses, pure white contact lenses and many more. Depending on what kind of look you're looking for, there are bound to be Halloween contact lenses to suit you.

Where To Find Them

The best place to find Halloween contact lenses is online. You can find them at various websites that also sell Halloween costumes. The contacts come in all different colors and with different characters and shapes on them that it's really interesting to see all that they have to offer. However, you should really discuss wearing Halloween contact lenses with your eye doctor before you buy them as they could really irritate your eyes if you have a special condition.

Take Care of Your Eyes

When wearing Halloween contact lenses, you'll want to make sure that you clean them and take care of them just like your regular contact lenses. They do sell Halloween contact lenses that aren't vision correcting. However, if you need vision correction and you want a special kind of Halloween contact lenses, talk to your eye doctor about acquiring these.

You will really freak out your friends when you walk into the Halloween party with Halloween contact lenses. They make them to go with any costume you can come up with. It's likely your friends have never seen them before. They're a fairly new product but they are catching on in popularity. So whether you want to go with cat eyes, with blank, pure white eyes, with black eyes, red eyes, or you want a certain design on them, there are Halloween contact lenses just waiting for you to find and purchase.

So log on to a Halloween website today and begin perusing their selection of Halloween contact lenses. You also might be able to get them from your eye doctor, or your eye doctor will know where to get them if you need special prescription Halloween contacts. They'll make this Halloween extra scary and your costume will be officially complete. The best part is that, even though they may look opaque of have certain designs on them, you'll be able to see perfectly clearly.

Green Contact Lenses

Buying Green Contact Lenses

Now that contact lenses have grown in popularity over the old fashioned glasses, companies are doing everything possible to make them more then just something needed for sight but also something that people will want for fashion statements. So because of this, many contact companies are making colored contact lenses so that the person wearing them will have a different eye color other then their own. Ones such as green contact lenses dramatically change the appearance of the persons eye color to the color of the lenses. Whether the contact lenses are brown, blue, or green, there is surely something to fit everyone's personality.

There are green contact lenses for both prescription and nonprescription contact lenses along with a wide variety of many other colors. And yes, I mentioned nonprescription contact lenses, as there are people willing to stick these things in their eyes even though they do not have any vision problems. The point of it is to make the green contact lenses either enhances the green color they already have or to completely change their eye color all together. These are loved by everyone from teenagers to older adults as everyone loves to put a little fun into their look in order to spice it up some.

Where To Buy Them

The best place to buy prescription green contact lenses is through your local eye care specialist, as they often know what would work best for you based on your eye exam and your eye care history. Once you know your proper prescription though and you know it is not changing, you can sometimes find deals online for the green contact lenses you have been eyeing up. And when looking into purchasing some green contact lenses, make sure that you are only buying new ones and that you trust the company as the eyes are not something you want to mess around with.

For those who do not need prescription green contact lenses but do want the ones that just simply change the color of your eyes, those can often be found at the best prices online. There are many different places that offer these for sale so you just have to look around. But a word of warning is that you should never under any circumstances buy or trade used contact lenses even if you know the person. There are so many germs and illnesses that can be spread by doing such things.

Glow In The Dark Contacts

Looking At The World Through Glow In The Dark Contacts

Most people would choose contact lenses over glasses for cosmetic reasons while other choose them because they do not want people to know they suffer from less than perfect vision. Then there are the ones that choose to wear things like glow in the dark contacts for special effects or for their theatrical appeal. However, wearing some of the more crazy types of contacts has gone off stage and some folks are wearing them in public as a way of being noticed.

Whether the individual is working on the stage or at a special holiday event, glow in the dark contacts can make them stand out among others in the same area. Obviously, they make a better impression when in the dark and these special glow in the dark contacts have been used for special effects in movies and television shows. Being made available to the general public has brought their use to folks who enjoy making a startling impression on the friends and neighbors.

When contacts with different colors and designs were first introduced there was some concern over their effects on a person's vision. However, like most theatrical costumes, glow in the dark contacts do not interfere with a person's ability to see clearly and in most cases, the design have no effect on their visual acuity.

Lens Prescription Required For Any Contact Lenses

Even if the person wanting to buy glow in the dark contacts has perfect vision, a valid prescription will be needed from a licensed optometrist. The size and shape of a person's eyes will determine if they can wear contact lenses and, especially when ordering glow in the dark contacts online, a prescription is mandatory. No company selling contact lenses online will dispense them without proper documentation,

When wearing glow in the dark contacts, during the day or under normal light they will appear white, similar to other color contact lenses, but in the dark they will glow and under ultraviolet light will stand out in a crowd. They have gone from the stage and screen into the mainstream for persons looking to make a startling impression on those around them.

Most distributors of glow in the dark contacts claim there will be a definite change in the eyes' color when wearing them during the day and the glow under ultraviolet light will make a significant impact. These theatrical glow in the dark contacts are designed to be changed at least once a month.

Glow in the Dark Contact Lenses

See in the Dark with Glow in the Dark Contact Lenses

There have been many innovations in the contact lens industry in the last 20 years. There are short-term and long-term use contact lenses. There are lenses for dry eyes, lenses for eyes with astigmatism, and lenses for eyes needing multifocal vision correction. Additionally, there are contact lenses for people who have no need for vision correction. There are contact lenses available for cosmetic reasons only. Colored, cosmetic and special effects contact lenses serve the purpose of making the eye appear a certain way. There may be a true need for this, such as in a person born with eyes of two different colors. This person may choose colored lenses to correct this condition. The need may be only to create look, or costume. Or this may be for special effect, such as glow in the dark contact lenses on a movie werewolf. Contact lenses are used in Hollywood films quite often. Many styles of these lenses are now available to the public- though a prescription and fitting from an eye doctor is often still necessary.

Some of the most popular "costume" contact lenses are glow in the dark contact lenses, cat's eye and snake eye contact lenses, and colored or multicolored contact lenses. Brands like "Wild Eyes," "Glowing FX," and "Crazy Lenses" offer costume contact lenses with or without a prescription. Even non-prescription, or "plano," lenses should be fitted by an eye doctor. Be advised that costume lenses can be toxic and irritating to the eyes so always go with a name brand and get a professional fitting.

See No Evil

The types of costume contact lenses are infinite. Dramatic revelers can even have lenses custom made to create their own unique look. Facts about some of the most popular types of costume lenses follow:

-"White out," or blind lenses, actually make you blind (you can't see through them) so wear in one eye at a time unless you truly want a vision "white out."

-Glow in the dark contact lenses are expensive and often sold out. Prices can run $100-$300 per pair. Most require a prescription and advise that they are for "theatrical purposes only."

-Black sclera lenses make the entire eye appear black. Black sclera-mirrored lenses allow your friends to see themselves in the rolling black void of your eye. Freak out!

Tips for wearing costume lenses include: get fitted by a doctor, wear for only a few hours at a time, only order from your eye doctor or a reputable online site, do not share with friends as this can cause eye infection, and clean lenses per the instructions. Lastly, costume lenses like glow in the dark contact lenses can frighten unsuspecting motorists, party-goers, and passersby. Oh, and glow in the dark contact lenses will not actually allow you to see in the dark, so use with caution.

Gas Permeable Contact Lenses

Gas Permeable Contact Lenses Provide Better Vision And Eye Health

Many people are shifting their vision away from soft contacts to experience the benefits of rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Although they are stiffer than the soft contacts, they are not your grandfather's hard contacts, which are not in use today. Made of silicone and fluorine, gas permeable contact lenses allow oxygen to freely penetrate and reach the eyes while resisting the build up of bacteria, helping to maintain the health of the eyes.

Not only do they help the eyes stay healthier, they are easier to put in and take out due to their harder surface. Because gas permeable contact lenses are stiffer than soft contacts they retain their shape better and provide sharper, crisper vision unlike the softer ones that can lose their appeal and reduce their effectiveness. The curvature, correction ability and size of the contacts are determined by a complete examination, but unlike soft contacts, gas permeable contact lenses will retain their shape longer, reducing the frequency of buying replacements.

Some Contacts Attract Bacteria

With soft contact lenses, which are about 79 percent water, seem to attract bacteria and other foreign materials, holding them close to the eyes. The benefit of the initial improved comfort may quickly be lost as wearers find they are prone to build up protein deposits and require cleaning more frequently than rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Additionally, with the penchant for deposit build up, soft contacts may become more uncomfortable over time.

Due to the ability of oxygen to pass through gas permeable contact lenses they are the most often type used for extended wear. The eye is able to breathe and their resistance to build up of protein and bacteria help maintain the overall health of the eyes. Additionally, persons with astigmatisms are better served with rigid gas permeable contact lenses,

Helps Smooth Uneven Corneas

Another advantage to rigid gas permeable contact lenses is that person suffering from corneal distortion, an irregularity or warping of the cornea, can be helped with rigid lenses and may not be able to wear soft contacts that tend to adjust to the shape of the cornea. By wearing the rigid gas permeable contact lenses the cornea can be smoothed out, providing sharper vision.

Only a qualified and licensed optometrist can prescribe any type of contacts and many eye professionals are pushing for the use of rigid gas permeable contact lenses to promote better eye health and to reduce the chances of developing eye infections due to bacteria on the contacts,

Fashion Contact Lenses

Cosmetic Use Of Fashion Contact Lenses Continues To Grow

So many songs have been written about the color of people's eyes and today, just about anyone wearing contacts can alter the color of their eyes on a whim. With the use of fashion contact lenses, brown eyes can go to blue in the length of time it takes to pop the lenses into their eyes. Whether a person is only looking for a cosmetic change or wants the change to be accompanied by improved vision, fashion contact lenses are taking their place in the fashion world.

Some folks use colored fashion contact lenses to create a new or unique look while other want the color of their eyes to match their outfits. In some rare cases of rabid sports fans, they use the colors available with fashion contact lenses to show their love of a team by wearing the team's colors in their eyes. Beyond the use of some of the more radical designs of contact lenses, changing a person's eye color can benefit how they see themselves.

Many choose to change their eye color with fashion contact lenses as part of a complete make-over, whether going through a personal life-changing event or to improve their self-esteem. For most it remains a personal choice and being able to look in the mirrors and see a different person staring back.

Proper Prescription Required Regardless Of Need

Many contact wearers are finding that ordering their fashion contact lenses online provides a less expensive alternative. However, regardless of where the lenses are purchased the customer will be required to have a legitimate prescription detailing the shape, size and corrective prescription needed. The government health agencies consider fashion contact lenses as well as regular glasses the same and a prescription is required for them to be dispensed.

Finding the right eye color can be a challenge, resulting in someone owning more than one color of fashion contact lenses. They may also have more than one so they can change their eye color on a daily basis, if for no other reason than to confuse their friends and co-workers. The low cost of buying from online outlets has made this an attractive option to many contact wearers.

More than one company manufacture fashion contact lenses and when ordering the customer can choose the company. They are the same ones that make regular contacts and the buyer can opt for a name they trust or simply buy by price alone.

Disposable Contact Lenses

Disposable Contact Lenses Are A Popular Option

Many people who need glasses to see clearly look for alternatives because glasses can be uncomfortable and inconvenient at times. Some people choose to have some type of surgery to correct their vision problems while other people choose disposable contact lenses. Several excellent companies manufacture a variety of disposable contact lenses as well as other types of contact lenses. These disposable contact lenses and all other contact lenses improve constantly because of the research and development at these companies. Currently, there are many different types of disposable contact lenses to choose from for those looking for the most comfortable and effective options.

Some people choose glasses because they like the look, or they are not good candidates for disposable contact lenses or other types of contact lenses. These people do not have the funds for corrective surgery or they do not want to undergo this type of procedure for some reason. Other people choose the corrective surgery because they do not want to be bothered with glasses or contact lenses. Many people have chosen the disposable contact lenses because these are very effective and convenient.

The Eye Doctor Will Guide The Choices For Disposable Contact Lenses

The people who decide on contact lenses should start with their eye doctor. They will need a prescription in order to buy any contact lenses. The eye doctor will provide a thorough exam before making out a prescription. This exam will include testing to determine the exact prescription. These eye doctors are usually very knowledgeable about the contact lenses available to their patients. They usually study the products on the market, and they have many patients who are wearing many different types of contact lenses.

If the doctor recommends disposable contact lenses, there will be many different options to consider. Each of the options has some advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disposable contact lenses are worn for only one day and then discarded. These do not have to be cleaned or stored. Other disposable contact lenses are worn for a week or a month. These contact lenses usually need to be cleaned when they are removed from the eyes although other products can be left in the eyes for the entire week or month. Some of these disposable contact lenses require little or no maintenance. Eye doctors often get some free samples so their patients can try the available options. This will give each person some time to evaluate which contact lenses are best for their needs.

Custom Contact Lenses

Custom Contact Lenses for Prosthetics and Special Effects

Custom contact lenses encompass both prosthetic and special effects contact lenses. Contact lenses can be custom-made to camouflage a congenital defect or eye injury as a result of an accident. The can also be made for theatrical effect. There is an aesthetic purpose in both prosthetic and special effects custom contact lenses, so both types will be discussed in this article.

Prosthetic Custom Contact Lenses

Prosthetic contact lenses are hand-painted. Often they are used to match a "normal" eye with one that has been damaged. An amazing realistic effect can be created with these labor-of-love, custom-made contact lenses. Custom, soft lenses are made from special materials that are comfortable to the eye and able to bond with the multi-layered pigments used to create the depth and definition similar to a real eye. Because of the one-of-a-kind nature of prosthetic lenses, prices can be as high as hundreds to thousands of dollars. There are no refunds offered by many of these companies due to the fact that lenses are unique to each individual. An initial consultation must be made with specific companies who offer this service and they will not substitute existing medical records for a complete examination. Patients can be color-matched during the initial consultation, fitted and measured, and photographed. Specific needs will be evaluated. Prosthetic lenses require regular maintenance as with any other contact lens. Lenses last one to two years if cared for properly. Custom lenses can be made to correct most vision problems except for astigmatism. The website is one excellent resource for prosthetic custom contact lenses.

Special Effects Custom Contact Lenses

Special effects contact lenses have been used by the motion picture industry for over 30 years and are now available to the public. also offers a wide array of custom-made contacts for film, theater, or personal costume use. As with any lens, an initial consultation and examination must be made and patients must be fitted for contacts by an eye doctor. Special effects lenses can be made to correct vision as well as for aesthetic effect. Each contact lens is designed customized to the request of the buyer. Some of the effects available include, bloody or hemorrhaged eyes, aged eyes, cataracts, blind effects, and mirrored eyes.

Custom contact lenses, though significantly more expensive and time-consuming to create, are one of a kind pieces of art. These lenses can last several years. With regular care and maintenance, they can provide hours of entertainment- whether in professional filmmaking, on the stage, or at home.

Cosmetic Contact Lenses

Change Your Look with Cosmetic Contact Lenses

They say that changing your hair color or even changing the color of your shirt can create a new outlook on life. Another way to change your look is with cosmetic contact lenses. These lenses, which come in many colors and styles, are not just used to correct vision. They can enhance your appearance and create a unique and dramatic look.

Once used only by Hollywood filmmakers and theatrical productions, cosmetic contact lenses are now available to the public. Whether for special occasion or everyday use, these lenses can literally change your outlook. Often referred to as special effects contact lenses or just colored contact lenses, cosmetic contact lenses can make anyone stand out in a crowd. The focus of this article is providing descriptions of the various kinds of cosmetic contact lenses.

Special Effect, Colored and Cosmetic Contact Lenses

Special effects contact lenses can be mass produced or custom made. Versions based on popular films such as "The Lost Boys" and "Interview with a Vampire" exist and are often named after the films or key characters. The most popular generic cosmetic contact lenses and their descriptions are listed below:

Cat's eye/Snake eye/Reptilian: These contacts give the appearance of having the same eyes color and pupil shape as a cat, snake, or other reptile. There are also wolf eye versions available.

Zombie/Blind eye/White out: These contacts give the appearance of a solid milky eye. The problem with blind eye lenses is that wearers cannot see through them. Thus, you may see wearers with one blind eye and one regular eye.

Fire eye: The eye is filled with red and orange flames

Black (or other colored) sclera: The entire eye, pupil, iris, and white are colored. With black sclera lenses, the eye socket appears filled with black oil.

Mirrored eye: The entire eye is reflective.

Hemorrhaged eye: The white of the eye appears filled with broken red blood vessels.

Dilated pupil eye: Lenses can be used for one or both eyes to give the impression of larger than normal pupils.

Glow in the dark eye: Contacts glow in the dark or under black light.

Whether you are attending a rave, walking the city, celebrating Halloween, or meeting the in-laws, cosmetic contact lenses are sure to get attention. It is important to note that, even if vision correction is not needed, you still need a prescription and fitting for cosmetic lenses from a certified ophthalmologist or optometrist.